Tuesday, 12 February 2013

I'm so proud of myself you know...

So I'm doing this volunteering thing through the job centre, and i love it.
it's so crafty but almost over.
sad panda.

Anyway, i get to make some soap and metalwork and messing about with things generally :) Fabulously the company is actually going to sell them :)
Up on the website and everything!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh it's so pretty. and I'm so proud of myself :)
I've done more too which hopefully be put on!
I just like hammering into the metal! yay me!

You can find the place they sell copper tags and soap and things over here

So really short this time but i do have more to put up :)
My pictures are all on my Ipad and that means syncing them up with my laptop, takes effort!

But that's all my sexy's

Is It Your Time of the Dementor's Kiss?

hehe :)

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Sorry blog world!

I know I've been away for awhile, we'll over a week anyway!

My poor laptop has died with my pictures on and anything I was even thinking of doing. This makes me sad.

But on a plus side I do have some pictures of what I've done from my iPad, and also a few pictures of what I've been doing, well playing with.

If I can figure out how to add pictures not his thing! I want my laptop back :(

Hope fully I can get the first thing up now...

So this is a Christmas present I painted for my sister in law, that I've finally got around to uploading. As everyone knows m rubbish at this so I didn't take a picture before I gave it. I am rubbish.

So here we go :)

Oh they are pretty, is actually like this for once.
Just acrylic paints on a spray painted canvas, me love.

So this stupid publishing thing that blogger uses on iPads makes all the pictures go to the bottom! So I can't put anything else on ill have to make another post about the other things or wait until my laptop is fixed and back to me! That means no funny picture too :(

Goodnight blog world! Enjoy my work :)
-Amy Frances