Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Im rubbish i know

So i haven't done any posts for a few days, that's because i have pictures of finished things but not how to do them so Ive got to do them all again and wait for everything to dry!

And Ive no glue for the hot glue gun after i tried to fix my table leg. Which still isn't fixed. I give up with it...

anyways, what i did notice is, i have a massive compulsion to do things and never finish them, must get it from my daddio.

In a month Christmas will be over! and the world will nearly be back to normal :) not that i have a) a tree, b) decorations c) Christmas spirit.
oh i know you're jealous.

i would have pictures of what Ive been doing but i cant find my i cant upload them.
I think i have borrowers that move my stuff.
or just me that moves it and forgets.

So as soon as i can find my camera, ill at least let you know what Ive been doing.

Also isn't this the cutest thing ever??

I want this ring, i think its lovely! one with a heart, then another telling me I'm cool...

enough ramblings i think

Saturday, 24 November 2012

I must be the only person that uses one of these!

I don't know about you blog world but i have lot of carrier bags, and they're all over the place!
I blame this on my carrier bag holder because its broken and useless! So i think its about time i either fixed it or made a new one!
After taking all the carrier bags out i found there was a massive split up the side and it just looked dirty. So time to make a new one :)

It's terrible!
So i destroyed it muahahha! Took out the string from the top and the elastic from the bottom and chucked away the fabric (that's a lie I'm just gonna wash it and see how it looks! *cough hoarder cough*)

Now that's done i got an old pair of jeans that i refused to throw away and cut a leg off. Turning it inside out and its time to get the sewing on! Now i don't have a sewing machine so this was by hand, so not very professional but got the job done!
 Along the wider part of the leg, so the thigh bit (if your thighs are anything like mine anyway THUNDER THIGHS) you want to tack/sew the rope but make sure that you leave a slit or make a hole that the end of the rope can pull through! to make it tighter and able to hang up!
I'm not the best sewer in the world.....
NEEEEEEEEEEEEXT is the bottom of the leg, to sew in the elastic (to keep the bags inside) just make sure the leg is inside out! i know mine don't look it but they are!
 Then that's a carrier bag holder done :) i have to say it looks alot better flat than with bags in. Oh and turn it the right way round :) I also gave the string a tug to make sure it went tighter..

My leg didn't look like that in them i swear!!
well maybe a little....THUNDER THIGHS!

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAnyways yeah, not very exciting but puts your carrier bags somewhere i guess :)

Friday, 23 November 2012

I hate wallpapering.

Whoever made wallpapering an actually thing to do needs to die. It's taken me 6 hours and I'm so very tired :(
Although my bedroom does look better already!!
If anyone knows a good colour i can put on my ceiling that would be great!
I want white walls with a coloured ceiling, because I'm funky :)

This is the current state its in....

God i know it looks completely boring and plain! It's not me at all!
Contemplating getting a few tubs of different coloured paints and splash it on my walls...but then i prob won't like it in the end!

I don't even know what this post is about, just me moaning about wallpaper...
Least i get to paint soon! my fingers and hands wont hate me doing that!
They currently have so many cuts because I'm a bit useless!

Ho hum. Bath time :) Byes!

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Just a usual tuesday...

Now blog world, I don't know about you, but I love getting deliveries!
Usually because it means I'm getting something to play with and mess about with :)

Now the other night I stayed up all night because my stupid sleep pattern is wrong and my body doesn't know how to sleep so when the post man came in the morning I was actually awake to get my parcels! :)

I got two very lovely ones, one from Kellys Krafts with some little die cuts in that I wanted for my Christmas crafts! And my other one from CuddlyBuddly with polystyrene rings in so I can make wreaths!

KellysKrafts: Squiggly Xmas tree, 1m Heavy duty string, HOx3,  Mini mixed pack, Snowflakes!, Free Xmas pack

CuddlyBuddly: Polystyrene Rings & Balls

Being awake (and excited) i then had to go to the sorting office so i could get one of the parcels I missed last week! and was dying to open! This one was from YellowMoon and was 4 little Japanese figures that I absolutely love! They were on clearance at £1.99 for 4 so I just had to get some, and I will be ordering more before they all go!

Also while I was out I went to the charity shops and got two little pots, that I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do with! But they matched another one I bought the other day! This is my little haul for today!

Pretty card, Spray paint! My gorgeous little pots, Japanese dolls, Blue ribbon and Christmas ribbon!

Someone needs to stop me from this addiction! I may also have detoured into the craft shop too and bought some clearance card that was just calling out to me! like it belonged to me! I couldn't help it i swear!

You tell me this isn't the most amazing card ever!
Well folks, that's my Tuesday for you! I also made a carrier bag holder because mine broke, so that will be on shortly too! bye for now!

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Hello Blogword!

So, after much deliberation and fussing around i finally got my act together and got my blog up and running!
I tell you its not that easy to edit it and make it look how you want without being totally anal!

So i will soon get my first crafty post up and running! I think im going to fill this up with things i love, things i want and also random colour things that get my attention! I have a bit of a short attention span when it comes to actually doing things.

Random fact #1 about me: I LOVELOVELOVE smiley faces and exclamation marks :)

byes for now!