I don't know about you blog world but i have lot of carrier bags, and they're all over the place!
I blame this on my carrier bag holder because its broken and useless! So i think its about time i either fixed it or made a new one!
After taking all the carrier bags out i found there was a massive split up the side and it just looked dirty. So time to make a new one :)
It's terrible!
So i destroyed it muahahha! Took out the string from the top and the elastic from the bottom and chucked away the fabric (that's a lie I'm just gonna wash it and see how it looks! *cough hoarder cough*)
Now that's done i got an old pair of jeans that i refused to throw away and cut a leg off. Turning it inside out and its time to get the sewing on! Now i don't have a sewing machine so this was by hand, so not very professional but got the job done!
Along the wider part of the leg, so the thigh bit (if your thighs are anything like mine anyway THUNDER THIGHS) you want to tack/sew the rope but make sure that you leave a slit or make a hole that the end of the rope can pull through! to make it tighter and able to hang up!
I'm not the best sewer in the world.....
NEEEEEEEEEEEEXT is the bottom of the leg, to sew in the elastic (to keep the bags inside) just make sure the leg is inside out! i know mine don't look it but they are!
Then that's a carrier bag holder done :) i have to say it looks alot better flat than with bags in. Oh and turn it the right way round :) I also gave the string a tug to make sure it went tighter..
My leg didn't look like that in them i swear!!
well maybe a little....THUNDER THIGHS!
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAnyways yeah, not very exciting but puts your carrier bags somewhere i guess :)
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