Saturday, 22 December 2012

CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS and work experience!


so i have a big of Xmas spirit now I've finished making presents and decorating the house!
You should know by now that me and my ramblings get distracted so I'm going to try and keep focused on writing this!

Firstly, i bought a Xmas tree! woo, my very own!
It's black and about 5ft so its lovely, though i am used to a real 8ft tall one, but it was £5.99.

With the decorations that mamma gave me I've manage to make it look pretty, i just have no fairy to go on the top. Forget having stars, i want a fairy.
I don't think my brother would sit on the top of the tree for me either......LOLOLOL

Ah my own pretty tree :)

Also i decided to put some tinsel round my fireplace, just because it was boring me!
and also, do you like my clock? i think it's lovely! One that actually works. God don't get me started on clocks today!!(breathe Amy breathe)

What else do we have, erm, the windows and stuff, you can see them too, i had fun with some snow spray!
and my lovely jar full of acorns :)
i love that jar!

Some string between my lights for some cards. Apparently this is old fashioned, but i have nowhere the put cards so there!

So that's Christmas stuff done, now moving onto work experience.

On Monday i started work experience at a little company, and it is AWESOME.
Laminating, cutting, chatting, cups of tea, packaging.
You know what it's mega fun.

Friday and Saturday we were making crafts to give as presents! now as I've forgotten to take pictures and now they are all wrapped up i can't show you what they look like.
I'm immensely proud of myself though!

Well what was made you ask? i will tell you!! also I'll tell you how to make a lovely bath oil in any fragrance you like!

So, we made (by we i mean lizy and charlie and me :))

Vanilla candles (yum), Bath salts (messy), Bath oil, Fragrance rollers, bath fizzes, Hand and body cream (not me), also there was ready made soap that looks so nice you could eat it.

I have never been so happy to make and package things in my life! i might find a candle to show you...if it appears under here i have managed to get one, if not, then i haven't!

A bath oil recipe you say? surely not!

Gather an oil that you want as the base, i used grapeseed oil, but rapeseed is good too!
Also an essential oils that you want to fragrance the oil, i had a few different ones.
Make sure you have something to put i in also!

It's so simple!

Put as much oil as you want in your container, almost to the top just so there isn't any spilling. I USED A FUNNEL BECAUSE I'M MESSY!!

Then put 6 drops of your fragrance in, or until you think that the smell is strong enough for you, and give it a shake to bond them together. Make sure you cover the top so it doesn't go everywhere.
If the oil is strong enough for you then cup the cap on and bobs your uncle!!

Told you it was easy!

Now them blogworld, it's time for a rottenecard! lets see what we can get this time :)

hehe, i love this! :)
it's true for all the time for me, just a fruitcake!


Wednesday, 19 December 2012

busy bumble bee's!

Herro blogworld!

I'm sorry I'm a bit lacking this week as I've started some work experience and get to do something with my day!
i do however have to tell you to look at a blog i love! seeing as i cant do any crafting really. Ive ,managed to really hurt my hand working, as i typing its all strapped up and i cant put any pressure on my fingers without a lot of pain!

Now this blog is an American lady and she does mindblowingly awesome stuff. i subscribe to her and love everything she makes. the only bad side is any giveaways she does are to US only!!
I'd love to win things she does competitions for!

A girl and a glue gun

if you don't look at what she does then you're silly!!

also I'm gonna find a rottenecard i love, as usual! so lets have a look!

that's all :)

Saturday, 15 December 2012

My name is Amy and I'm addicted to spray painting.

So, casual Saturday today, my Mums come up to visit for grandmas birthday, which has actually helped me put my arse into gear to wrap her present, and also make some presents!!
When i was wrapping the pressies i decided they needed some colour! so i didn't use any sellotape, i used double sided tape and crepe paper, so colourful!

Yes i also used brown wrapping paper, just because i wanted to do something different, but now that's nearly done as i had to wrap my grandmas birthday pressie up which is massive. No doubt ill be finding some cheap hideous wrapping paper. joy.

so my Christmas spirit is now up to 10% from 0% which isn't much but its better than nothing!

So, number 1 thing i did today, after a coffee with mum and receiving my pressies, and more importantly some cookies (YAY) was make, well sort of finish a wreath, that I'm either going to keep or give to mama.
It's a bit minimal and white but i love it, but i love anything white :D

I also have started a green one, but I'm not sure what to put on it yet!! it didn't start green, i bought some lovely green spray paint for it, ah its so green! I love green, its my fave :)
who are we kidding, i just love anything that's colourful!
like a magpie but for colour....and shiny things too!

What else have i done......
Ah I've done some of my Christmas decorations, well, I've spray painted some glass jars so they're now pretty! with different Christmas decorations on.

My favourite has to be the one filled with pine cones, i spray painted them white and silver!

i think i have inhaled more spray paint than I've put on anything!
I also coated some old canvases so i can get started on a painting for someone for Christmas. But so far the only thing I've done for it is print out a stencil.
Really i have had no motivation at all!

My mama also brought a box of Christmas decorations for my invisible Christmas free proudly not existing in the corner of the room. If someone wishes to steal a tree for me it would be lovely! I've asked my brother to but he hasn't been very forthcoming about it!

Also, I've finished my present for grandma( hence the wrapping) but i forgot to take a picture of it, so i will have to wait til she has it wherever shes putting it.
I made my best frannnddd Natty an owl cushion that she wanted, hand stitched, took me forever and my fingers really really hurt. just need to stuff it and its all done. First one too so not so bad :) but i can't show you encase she see's it! but I'll make sure i get a picture of this one...

Next handmade thing is Sarah's hot water bottle cover. Which I'm going to do after doing a bit of painting.

Now, instead of writing a list and putting it somewhere to get lost this shall be my checklist of things i have to get done.
1. present buying
2. then wrapping
3. tree
4. clean kitchen
5. make more fun things and forget about cleaning
6. Enjoy Christmas time and get into the spirit.

Okay it's time for the rottenecard! hopefully i can find one that i like without a 4 letter word that gets people all offended. I'm writing this before I've even looked! so lets see how it goes folks!

And i think it's quite fitting!
the way i keep referring to my family makes it look like i really don't like them! Quite the opposite, were a peculiar, funny, weirdo family :)

anyways, that's all for today!

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Pretty little flowers :) AND WIRE THAT HATES ME

So today is half, how to make pretty wire flowers, and half make sure you own plasters or at least something to protect your hands.

Okay so its half a rant about how i now hate wire. or my hands do. They were very sore!

To start with i was actually planning on making some sort of wire Christmas tree because i have nothing festive or remotely happy in my house. Last Christmas was the same...So i thought i would at least try and be in some form of happy Christmas spirit.
After that failed/i got bored i then decided i was going to make things with the wire that I'd been unravelling and cut up.

This is what the wire looked like when i picked it all up off my floor after i got mad at how many cuts i had on my fingers...

messy mess. (yes i know the pillow i had it on makes it hard to see! but the furniture is dark and white would have made it worse to see...i was playing around! as you will see with the rest of the picture. I AM USELESS WITH A CAMERA!
So if you want to buy me a fancy professional camera because my pictures suck, then okay :)

After about 50 hours of being frustrated with separating the wire, fixing my cuts and sore fingers.
my poor poor fingers :( also broke a few nails because that wires sharp and i have brittle nails.

So yeah, separated wire! and i tried to neatly bundle it, so it doesn't all join back up together and be annoying. at least you can sort of see how much wire there is!

so, get a length of wire, about a metre or so long? it doesn't matter you can just make smaller ones :)
For the first petal i just wrapped the wire around 2 of my fingers, to make the right size and wrapped the wire around where it joined so that it became secure and stayed together:
 yes i know you can hardly see it! its hard to take pictures of gold wire against any background! especially with flash!

Next petal.... you need to do the same for the next petal, not really needing to wrap it around your finger as you can compare it with the size of the first petal. After the petal is made you need to wrap the wire around where they join to make it more secure like you did with the first. The place where you keep wrapping will soon start to look like the middle of the flower!

 The picture qualities just start to look better don't they, just fantastic!
I'm surprised I'm not critically acclaimed for my picture taking you know!
give me some photography award someone!
oh the sarcasm :)

So now we move onto the third petal, which is pretty much the same thing as the the other two, making sure to build up the middle slightly.

by this time my fingers really hurt! after repeatedly stabbing myself :(
so that's three petals now time for the last fourth one!

So that's four petals. Now according to my dad there needs to be five, so you can put another one in if you want! i was just doing 4 as a generic flower, but apparently I'm wrong!
anyways after your generic 4 petal flower, or your amazing 5 petal flower(!)
you need to go around all of the petals individually and wrap round the middle each time to just give it a bit more structural support.

it looks like a messy flower! and I'm a messy person so naturally I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT
anyways that's just the head done. you can just leave it like that if you like or you can put a stem on it, i do both really. make sure the double the stem up if you do that too, nobody wants a droopy one. flower i mean!

 and that is a wire flower!
when i say it out loud it includes swear words in the title..

now you can leave it like that or paper mache it or whatever. Personally I'm just leaving them, just i might try something with crepe paper if i get bored :) which is more than likely...

Now is for the random bit of the post,
Helen said i should invent a fun-ictionary or something like that, shes only just said it and i forgot exactly what she said.
But something so that she can be funny?
god knows Helen! but there's your mention!

Have a funny rottenecard! it's hard to find one without swearing in you know!
So now at least some people know my actual meanings when i say that ;)

Christmas 2 weeks today folks, at least that's what they tell me!
hope you've got all your shopping out of the way, i haven't started yet :)

that's all!

Saturday, 8 December 2012

Christmas and birthdays, GOSH

So I'm trying to get a birthday present out of the way for my grandma, her birthday is next week i believe, i can never remember.
So far i have a painting with a background and that is all, my creative mind has drawn a blank :(
If you have liked my face book page you'll have seen it already, but i need some help!!

A silver background with pinky purpley damask stencils.
here is the stencil!

I need more! wtf am i going to put on it!!

That and, i only have one Christmas present even remotely thought about so far!
i am rubbish, i need to stop spending my days job searching and trying to actually get somewhere in life and focus on making things. HA HA.

I will get some stuff done, and then you can see it all!
i will i will i will.

What's the point in having a craft blog if i don't put any crafts on it??
Come on Amy, focus!!

Also, i know that people see someecards on the Internet all the time, but I've just seen rottenecards and came cross a picture that is perfect for Christmas, well i think so. there are loads for you to send to your friends, and i just love them.
Someecards generally aren't rude and don't have lots of swearing in, but rottenecards do, so if you re slightly sensitive to swearing and general mean-ness then maybe its not for you!
anyway here is the one i found!

i don't know about you but its perfect.


Wednesday, 5 December 2012


I don't know if you have ever been to country baskets?!
but it is bloody amazing!
Sarah and I went and had a quick(ish) shop around and could easily come away with everything in the shop!

I did manage to put 1000 things in the trolley only to put 98% of it back because i didn't really need it.
It's relatively inexpensive for arts and craft things! I got 2 canvases, one was a block and the other just a canvas board and cost me just over £3 for both! which i think is pretty good!
Means I'll be spray painting everything in sight!
you can apply for a card on line and then you can shop on line! they have a pinterest too which they put loads on!
I'm in actual love with this shop! but they had no job openings :( boo!

In the coming days I'm sure i will show you what I've been up to and what Ive done with my canvases!

I am so excited!!
To shop/go on country baskets just click here and it will take you to it!

On a second note, i have a major thing for owls lately, like the rest of the world has! and i found this one randomly on line and i can't find for the hell of me where....but its so nice!!
so have a picture of an owl and enjoy!

that's all for today craft world!

Monday, 3 December 2012

Back in the land of the living! & printable

So for about, a week or so, i have had no Internet!
and when you're trying to do stuff and make things but you need to check on the Internet it becomes rather annoying! Especially when I'm trying to make some printables and i need clip art and things!!!!!!!!
So now that I'm back on line, YAY, i can actually finish things off and make everything pretty!
I don't have any crafts finished at the moment so i might just have to give you the printable i made last night which is super cute :)
I'm actually thinking about framing it myself....
anyway here that is..

that might not work so i might have to edit it!

So the thousand things I'm working on are:

  1. Xmas wreaths
  2. wire Christmas trees
  3. string lamp shades
  4. Christmas pressies i cant talk about yet!
  5. more printables
and you will know more when i actually get stuff finished!!
byes for now!