So today is half, how to make pretty wire flowers, and half make sure you own plasters or at least something to protect your hands.
Okay so its half a rant about how i now hate wire. or my hands do. They were very sore!
To start with i was actually planning on making some sort of wire Christmas tree because i have nothing festive or remotely happy in my house. Last Christmas was the same...So i thought i would at least try and be in some form of happy Christmas spirit.
After that failed/i got bored i then decided i was going to make things with the wire that I'd been unravelling and cut up.
This is what the wire looked like when i picked it all up off my floor after i got mad at how many cuts i had on my fingers...
messy mess. (yes i know the pillow i had it on makes it hard to see! but the furniture is dark and white would have made it worse to see...i was playing around! as you will see with the rest of the picture. I AM USELESS WITH A CAMERA!
So if you want to buy me a fancy professional camera because my pictures suck, then okay :)
After about 50 hours of being frustrated with separating the wire, fixing my cuts and sore fingers.
my poor poor fingers :( also broke a few nails because that wires sharp and i have brittle nails.
So yeah, separated wire! and i tried to neatly bundle it, so it doesn't all join back up together and be annoying. at least you can sort of see how much wire there is!
so, get a length of wire, about a metre or so long? it doesn't matter you can just make smaller ones :)
For the first petal i just wrapped the wire around 2 of my fingers, to make the right size and wrapped the wire around where it joined so that it became secure and stayed together:
yes i know you can hardly see it! its hard to take pictures of gold wire against any background! especially with flash!
Next petal.... you need to do the same for the next petal, not really needing to wrap it around your finger as you can compare it with the size of the first petal. After the petal is made you need to wrap the wire around where they join to make it more secure like you did with the first. The place where you keep wrapping will soon start to look like the middle of the flower!
The picture qualities just start to look better don't they, just fantastic!
I'm surprised I'm not critically acclaimed for my picture taking you know!
give me some photography award someone!
oh the sarcasm :)
So now we move onto the third petal, which is pretty much the same thing as the the other two, making sure to build up the middle slightly.
by this time my fingers really hurt! after repeatedly stabbing myself :(
so that's three petals now time for the last fourth one!
So that's four petals. Now according to my dad there needs to be five, so you can put another one in if you want! i was just doing 4 as a generic flower, but apparently I'm wrong!
anyways after your generic 4 petal flower, or your amazing 5 petal flower(!)
you need to go around all of the petals individually and wrap round the middle each time to just give it a bit more structural support.
it looks like a messy flower! and I'm a messy person so naturally I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT
anyways that's just the head done. you can just leave it like that if you like or you can put a stem on it, i do both really. make sure the double the stem up if you do that too, nobody wants a droopy one. flower i mean!
and that is a wire flower!
when i say it out loud it includes swear words in the title..
now you can leave it like that or paper mache it or whatever. Personally I'm just leaving them, just i might try something with crepe paper if i get bored :) which is more than likely...
Now is for the random bit of the post,
Helen said i should invent a fun-ictionary or something like that, shes only just said it and i forgot exactly what she said.
But something so that she can be funny?
god knows Helen! but there's your mention!
Have a funny rottenecard! it's hard to find one without swearing in you know!
So now at least some people know my actual meanings when i say that ;)
Christmas 2 weeks today folks, at least that's what they tell me!
hope you've got all your shopping out of the way, i haven't started yet :)
that's all!
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